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API documentation for libmpg123, libout123, and libsyn123

Note: This API doc is automatically generated from the current development version that you can get via Subversion or as a daily snapshot from There may be differences (additions) compared to the latest stable release. See NEWS.libmpg123, NEWS.libout123, NEWS.libsyn123, and the overall NEWS file on libmpg123 versions and important changes between them.
Let me emphasize that the policy for the lib*123 family is to always stay backwards compatible -- only additions are planned (and it's not yet planned to change the plans;-).
Deprecated List
Member syn123_resample_expect (syn123_handle *sh, size_t ins)
Use syn123_resample_out() instead. The return of errors (integer overflow in calculation)is broken, as both the error codes and the valid results are positive integers. I screwed up.
Member syn123_resample_inexpect (syn123_handle *sh, size_t outs)
Use syn123_resample_in() instead. The return of errors (integer overflow in calculation)is broken, as both the error codes and the valid results are positive integers. I screwed up.
Member syn123_resample_intotal (long inrate, long outrate, off_t outs)
Use syn123_resample_intotal64() instead.
Member syn123_resample_total (long inrate, long outrate, off_t ins)
Use syn123_resample_total64() instead.
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